
Do you want a taxi?

ShipService06 is your best option: fast and free with your smartphone

Services we Provide

We adapt our work to your needs for that we have:
Recojida Aereopuerto
Airport Service
(Pickup and Departure)

We guarantee the satisfaction of your arrival or departure. We help you create the best memories when you arrive or leave our city.
We are like family.

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Door to Door Service

Three elements distinguish our door-to-door service: comfort, punctuality and security.
Travel with us safely to the door of your house.

Tourist Route Service

Traveling is the best way to live life. Traveling with ShipService06 is the best option to get to know the best tourist places and cities. From one side to the other, enjoyment is guaranteed with the comfort of your taxi and the charisma of your driver.
Discover tourist routes with us. It will be your best experience

Contact Us

Qui sommes-nous

ShipService06 est votre agence de taxi la plus sûre, la plus ponctuelle et la moins chère pour vous déplacer dans Nice. Nos services: porte à porte, prise en charge et renvoi à l'aéroport et itinéraires touristiques nous différencient. Nous mettons à votre disposition le meilleur rapport Qualité/Prix avec un accueil personnalisé avec ShipService06 24h/24.
Votre meilleure option de voyage à Nice

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